Mine was a little bit different and, not surprisingly, I wanted to change it to make it more like those of the others, but I didn't doubt that I was loved or accepted, and I didn't doubt my beauty, worth or intelligence. The phrase I had always wanted to hear was, "I want to to be your partner and explore this life with you." A phrase so hard to share with the group and so awkward to hear said back to me from the accepting faces, glowing with love. I felt like I only let the words partially in, but I tried; I tried to accept the words from all of them.
And this is what prompted the retreat leader to tell me to not seek a partner or, if I had one, to put my partner aside for awhile, and learn to love myself. And that someday I would then have a line of people wanting to be my partner. He asked if I understood, and I did, and I said I did, but I tried to rush past the moment. And, even now I try to put my computer aside.
But, when I first heard Robert Palmer sing those fated lines, I knew he was speaking to me. You're right, I am a stereotypical Pisces with an addiction like all the rest. It's no wonder that The Princess Bride was my favorite movie, with Westley telling Buttercup that not even death could keep them apart and the white horses and the kiss that outranked all of the greatest kisses of all time.
It is also not surprising that I was drawn from it by I Heart Huckabees.
The other secret, love, is that when the pain would get unbearable, as it did near the end, I told God that I was willing to let go of you, if that was what I needed to do, in order to make the pain stop. I told God that I gave up, that I wouldn't fight anymore, that I would stop trying to run my own life, that I would really dedicate myself this time. But, I told you that I hoped we were in a dimension where we would end up together... and maybe part of that me did, I don't know how it all works... But I (of this dimension) stopped fighting. See, the thing is that I told you that I couldn't fight for you, but I did. I didn't fight another person, because I wouldn't stop you from having what you wanted, but I did fight myself; I ignored the advice coming my way until it came in the form of a metaphorical mallet... or a heavy wooden cutting board with a handle fashioned just for knocking sense into people.
So, I love you, but I can't ignore that voice anymore. We can't cuddle like that right now. You have a girlfriend and I want you to be dedicated to her. I don't want to create a tension between us that will make either of us feel bad about ourselves or hurt another. For me to be single... and to support your life that is honest and uncomplicated, it makes more sense to have activities that are appropriate to our new way of relating.
Part of me felt like I should pull away, but part of me still feels so drawn to you. It's hard, but I have to listen to that quiet voice. As I do so, I hope you can see me trusting you more. I really do love you, my friend, and I don't want to just love you in a way that is inter-mixed with my addiction. I want to love you without expecting you to feed my habit, both for your sake and for mine.
It's happening already, of course. I was calm before I got home last night and I'm more convinced that we're both doing what is right.
I'd like to get past the (mutual) addictions and love each other without expecting the other to satisfy any aching need. And, so, I guess I'm asking if we can try not to feed my addiction. My willpower is still a bit weak, but I think we can do it together.
Because someday I'd like to meet your new love.... and because your friendship is important to me... and because I'm doing the best I can to listen to that delicate voice.
Thank you, my friend. You have been and are a beautiful presence in my life.